First Spell – Watercolour Painting Sept.


With this painting I really wanted to continue with the fantasy elements, but also get back to the study of sheer fabrics that I enjoyed when painting Call of the Sirens. Fabrics are always intimidating for me, because if it’s sheer or even satin let’s say…well for the most part you only get one chance to get it right with watercolours. Too much paint can mess up the piece real fast, and finding how light and skin works in whole equation is another thing altogether. I’m still learning by studying from the masters, by looking at many classical paintings; ranging from Regency to Edwardian. Although, I have to find a way to adapt those techniques from oils to watercolours, which is a fun challenge.

First Spell_2019_Shaima
First Spell, watercolours on paper, 8×12″, 2019

I liked the look of the early stages of the painting as well, making a note to experiment with even less paint in future projects. Sometimes I find it a bit hard to judge how dark I need to make a watercolour painting; as most artists in this medium will know, scanning the artwork doesn’t always get you the most flattering results in the end. There’s a certain grey/dark tone or evenness I like to achieve (which I’m not doing a good job explaining unfortunately), and scanners mess it up royally with its bright light giving unwanted contrasts across the painting. I’m lucky to have a good Epson scanner, but there are some things that can’t be fixed and I do my best with Photoshop in the end. 😄


Original available at the shop.


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*Update on In Fate’s Hand Painting Auction

I’ve realized I hadn’t updated the info here on my blog as I had on Instagram. The original painting of In Fate’s Hand that was for auction on Ebay, has now been moved to the shop. I had some issues with Ebay account, as it was a new one, and felt it would get better views directly in the shop. 50% of the sale of the painting will still go the Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation as originally planned, so please pass on the word and check it out for yourself if interested. Thanks! 🙂