November, Sketches & Marvel

It’s been a rather slow November, but a much more exciting weekend with Marvel releasing The Punisher series last Friday. That basically summed up my weekend as I couldn’t stop watching. So glad to see Jon Bernthal get his own show; as I was looking forward to seeing a proper Punisher series for a very long time. An additional bonus was seeing Ben Barnes enter the franchise; as I know I couldn’t contain my excitement.


Frank Castle

Continuing with sketches, as I was flipping through mine I landed on an unfinished piece. I don’t have many of these, but I can’t seem to find the inspiration at the moment to complete this one. Maybe I’ll come back to it in the future, who knows.

Scene from Shokichi’s MV Shelly

On a side note, there are some shop updates coming for my Etsy store so stay tuned for that here and on my Twitter @shaima_art

4 thoughts on “November, Sketches & Marvel

      1. Defenders fell a little short in many ways compare to the others. In some places, it became a little predictable. I’m glad that they redeemed themselves with The Punisher


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